General Instructions To Candidates
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- General Instructions To Candidates

1.1 Please fill out the application electronically and agree to the undertaking, including the general instructions, the documentation required for the electronic nomination, and the special conditions after reviewing the relevant information on the Award’s website.
2. All applications are to be submitted online to
3. The submission shall be in the English language.
4. In case the candidate is an institution or team, the team leader is the person authorized to receive the Award on behalf of the team at the official ceremony.
5. Please nominate the individual authorized to represent the institution or the team and clearly identify the award category to which the team is applying.
6. The research submission to the Award should not be sent or submitted to any other awards during the same period.
7. The Award’s General Secretariat shall have the right to circulate winning submissions to all relevant authorities in the name of the General Secretariat and the winner.
8. Applications should be submitted in 12-point font, Times New Roman on standard letter size/A4 pages and limited to no more than
10 pages single-spaced, including a 500-word (maximum) abstract, but not including references. Up to an additional 2 pages of figures and/or tables may be included. The total submission should not exceed 15 pages.
9. Winners of previous editions of the Khalifa Award may apply again after two (2) years in any field except that they won the Award.
10. A Candidate who is nominated for the Khalifa International Award for Early Learning Field shall not apply for a similar Award’s category in or outside the UAE in the same year.
11. The candidate shall not have received another Award in the same field of the Khalifa Award for Education with a similar material within two (2) years, including the year of nomination.
12. Application and nomination must be made for a single category of the Award. It is not allowed to apply for two categories at the same year.
13. The General Secretariat of the Award grants certificates of participation to the applicants and nominees who reached the final assessment stages (interviews).
14. Candidates may not use the Khalifa International Award for Early Learning’s logo in any form of media, commercial promotions, or social media without prior written consent from the General Secretariat.
15. The ownership of the winning research paper shall be referenced by year, copyright, use, or application, within two (2) years from the date of the Award is granted. Otherwise, the work shall become the sole property of the owner after that time, according to the following rules:
- Upon winning the Award, and if such work has been printed and published, the General Secretariat shall be provided with a copy before the Awarding Ceremony.
- The General Secretariat shall have the right to publish the winning work and claim ownership of its publications within two (2) years from the date of the Award. Otherwise, ownership shall revert to the winner.
- In case the author/ authors wish to publish their winning research, the following statement shall be written on the cover and the internal title page: ‘This work is a winner of the Khalifa International Award for Early Learning in the …………………………. field, …………………………… category in the year 20″….” and shall provide the General Secretariat with (100) copies.
1. In the unfortunate event of a candidate’s death after he or she has been nominated, accepted, and won the Award, his or her right to the Award stands and shall be granted to his or her legal heirs.
2. According to the by-laws of the Award following the announcement of the winners:
- the General Secretariat of the Khalifa Award for Education shall bear the winner’s expenses – including air ticket, hotel stay, and entry visa– solely for the winner to attend the Awarding Ceremony in Abu Dhabi. The General Secretariat will not be offering the same for the winner’s accompanying individuals.
- Only the individual winners shall appear on the stage; nomination of a representative to receive the Award on behalf of the winner will not be permitted..
1. Any Candidate who fails to satisfy the requirements shall be disqualified.